Keď sa povie slovo investovanie väčšina z nás si hneď predstaví nákup akcií veľkých firiem a vysoké riziko straty peňazí. Niektorí z nás si dokonca hneď vybavia film „Vlk z Walk street“ a premýšľajú, ako by chceli spravovať svoje veľké akcie, avšak nemajú dostatok peňazí. Ak sa vidíte ako ten bohatí maklér spravujúci investície svojim klientom (čestne), určite nám napíšte, hľadáme práve Vás! Stačí prejsť do sekcie aktuálne pozície.
Today, however, everything is different. We have many opportunities to invest on the market even with a small budget. We always try to teach clients an important thing - it doesn't matter how much you start investing with, the main thing is to start! Time is of the essence when it comes to investing.
To invest smaller amounts, we use mutual fund investments. Mutual funds operate on the principle of collective investment, where several shareholders agree to buy individual shares and bonds according to the structure and composition of the fund. Investments in mutual funds bring with them high diversification for the saver, because the funds invest in a wide range of assets such as shares, bonds, commodities and the like. Investments in mutual funds can be considered as a more liquid asset, because the sale of mutual units can be realized as a rule within 7-14 days. The cost of individual funds differs depending on the type of fund. We know actively managed funds. They have their own portfolio manager who actively manages the units. Subsequently, we know the so-called passively managed funds, also known as index funds, which only copy the existing index and do not change their strategy during the entire period of existence in independence from the market development. Simply put, in an actively managed portfolio, the fund manager actively searches for investment opportunities and implements buying/selling depending on market developments. While such index funds, for example, long-term follow only their index, according to which they make purchases, and therefore there is no need for a portfolio manager, which also reduces the cost of the fund. It is interesting that index funds held for at least 1 year are not subject to income tax.
The importance of time in investing
As I mentioned at the beginning, time is the most important thing when investing. We will show it with an example.
Client A aged 30 years si začne sporiť 35 eur mesačne. Investíciu zvolí rozumne, začne sporiť do indexových fondov na dlhodobý horizont s predpokladaným výnosom 8% p.a. Za 20 rokov bude mať na účte 20 753 € . Zisk z investície tvorí 12 353€.
Client B he postpones his savings until later due to higher expenses and starts saving only in his 40s. He will start saving €70 per month, with the same conditions as client A. In the 50th year of his life (after 10 years), he will have €12,891 in his account. The profit from the investment is €4491.
Client A and client B to his investment deposited the same amount of 8400 euros. The difference is in the length of savings. The longer the client saves, the higher the so-called interest on interest and appreciates his property.
Using an example, we have shown that even a small amount of funds and a correctly chosen portfolio are enough to get started. INVEST and get more value for your money! We will be happy to help you set up your portfolio, contact us or book an appointment in the calendar.
Team ProFin Experts
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