Financial services

Secure your future

We optimize your finances for a long-term financial stability.

We will help you achieve a long-term financial stability by optimizing your finances. We work with you to secure your assets, invest and plan for the future so you have peace of mind and confidence in your financial decisions.

Audit existujúceho portfólia
Audit of already existing portfolio

During consulting with clients, most of them are not very oriented in their own financial portfolio, we always check their already existing contracts and evaluate them. Afterwards, if any inconsistency is found, we optimize and rework them according to individual needs of our clients.

Spotrebný úver a leasing
Loans and leasing

Beside mortgages, we offer a complete service for loans and leasing for car purchases. Our colleagues will help you with orienting in all possible options from your home. We always care about your individual need and try to always make the ends meet.

Sporenie a tvorba finančnej rezervy
Saving and creating a financial reserve

Are you oriented in your spendings? We secure that you avoid taking loans during an unfortunate event. Our goal is for you to obtain a sufficiant financial reserve.


According to data, it is neccessary to save up for retirement. We prepare indiviual plans for our clients on how to recieve an expected sums. We make use of the so called 3 pillar pension scheme (here in Slovakia).


Are you plannig to invest and buy a property? Have you found your dream home or have you been looking for the ways how to limit your spendings? Is your fixed interest amount ending and your new payment can be much higher? We are here for you. We will prepare offers from all banks in Slovakia for your individual needs. Our goal is to secure property financing and optimize your mortgage payments.

Zabezpečenie majetku
Property security

Zabezpečíme Váš majetok: nehnuteľnosti, domácnosti, povinné či havarijné poistenie, GAP. Zdôverte nám ochranu vášho majetku a získajte pokoj a istotu. Kontaktujte nás pre bližšie informácie, alebo vyskúšajte našu online kalkulačku!

Zabezpečenie mesačného príjmu
Securing a monthly pay

Have you ever thought about pay loss? Have you got the information about state benefits? We help our clients to gain a sufficient financial reserve and simultaniously prepare them for covering any unfortunate event. We also try to minimize long-term liabilities, such as mortgages or loans.

Pravidelné investovanie
Regular investment

Regular investment is the best fit for clients who would like to increase their financial reserve and value of their property. Regular investment is the most effective way how to increase portfolio and minimize the risk. Let us help you with the expert consulting regarding investmet.

Partner for real estate finance an additional services. Individual solutions for success.

We are your reliable partner not only in the field of the financial optimization, but also in real estate services. In addition to providing an expert advice and a financial stability planning, we also help you with real estate sevices and additional services, such as representation at offices, legal services or a work consultation with an architect.

Real estate services

We offer real estate services for buying, selling and renting real estate. Experienced professionals provide affordable prices and a professional approach to client satisfaction.

Additional services

Our company represents clients in the whole extent of all needed requirements and thus fullfilling clients demands.

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Individual discount

Take advantage Tax fee discount.









We offer you a 20% discount on the entry fee for regular investments for 10 and 15 years. The promotion is valid only until the end of July.